
IX.7.12 Pompeii. House. House of Polyphemus and Galatea. Partly excavated in 1867 and 1881.


Described by Eschebach as “Haus dem Polyphem und der Galathea”.


Now used as steps up to the Casina dell’Aquila.



Bragantini, de Vos, Badoni, 1986. Pitture e Pavimenti di Pompei, Parte 3. Rome: ICCD, p. 498.

Carratelli, G. P. et al, 1990-2003. Pompei: Pitture e Mosaici: Vol. IX. Roma: Istituto della enciclopedia italiana, pp. 779-781.

Dawson, M., 1944. Romano Campanian Landscape Painting. Newhaven: Yale U. P., p. 82, pl. 1 no. 5.

Dwyer E., 1981. In Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Roemische Abteilung 88, p. 273.

Eschebach, L., 1993. Gebäudeverzeichnis und Stadtplan der antiken Stadt Pompeji. Köln: Böhlau, p. 432.

Brizio E. 1868, in Giornale degli Scavi di Pompei N.S.1, p. 113.

Helbig, W., 1868. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, p. 455.

Kekule R. in Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1867, p. 163.

Leach E. W., 1981. The Metamorphoses of the Myth of Acteon in Campanian Painting: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Roemische Abteilung 88, p. 313 note 26 n. 18, Tav. 134,1.

Mau A. in Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1883, pp. 148-9.

Mau A. 1882. Geschichte der Decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji. Berlin: Reimer, p. 353, taf. XVI. [Note reference in PPM is incorrect]

Peters, W.J.T. 1963. Landscape in Romano-Campanian Mural Paintings. The Netherlands, Van Gorcum & Comp. p. 81, pl. XVIII no. 65. [Note reference in PPM is incorrect]

Schefold, K., 1957. Die Wande Pompejis. Berlin: De Gruyter, p. 268.

Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini, nos. 115 and 688.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. Plan showing layout of rooms, now buried.
1:  Long entrance corridor
2:  Vestibule
3:  Atrium
4:  Cubiculum
5:  Triclinium

IX.7.12 Pompeii. Plan showing layout of rooms now buried.


1:  Long entrance corridor

2:  Fauces

3:  Atrium

4:  Cubiculum

5:  Triclinium


According to Eschebach, the long corridor [1], with side rooms of shops 11 and 13, led into the fauces [2].

This led to the atrium [3] with a cubiculum [4], on the left, and an unknown room, on the right.

Behind the atrium was a triclinium [5] where wall paintings were found.

See Eschebach, L., 1993. Gebäudeverzeichnis und Stadtplan der antiken Stadt Pompeji. Köln: Böhlau. (p.432)


IX.7.12 Pompeii. May 2005. Wide entrance with long corridor [1].
This leads to fauces [2], which is situated where the gate is.
Modern steps lead above the buried ruins to the Casina dell’Aquila.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. May 2005. Wide entrance with long corridor [1].

This leads to fauces [2], which is situated where the gate is.

Modern steps lead above the buried ruins to the Casina dell’Aquila.


According to Schefold, on the left wall of the triclinium [5], was a painting of Diana and Actaeon (Sogliano 115).

On the rear wall was a painting of Polyphemus and Galatea (Sogliano 688).

On the right wall was a fragment of a mythological landscape, possibly Narcissus and Echo.

See Schefold, K., 1957. Die Wande Pompejis. Berlin: De Gruyter. (p.268)

See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini. (nos, 115, and 688)


IX.7.12 Pompeii (although numbered as IX.7.16). 
Triclinium 5, West wall. Copy c.1867 of painting of Diana and Acteon, recovered from the earth.
DAIR 83.2397. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv. 
See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini, (no. 115).

IX.7.12 Pompeii (although numbered as IX.7.16).

Triclinium 5, West wall. Copy c.1867 of painting of Diana and Acteon, recovered from the earth.

DAIR 83.2397. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.

See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini, (no. 115).


IX.7.12 Pompeii (although numbered on drawing as IX.7.16). Triclinium 5, centre of north wall.
Copy of painting of Polyphemus sitting on a rock and Galatea riding a sea horse.
DAIR 83.298b. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.

IX.7.12 Pompeii (although numbered on drawing as IX.7.16). Triclinium 5, centre of north wall.

Copy of painting of Polyphemus sitting on a rock and Galatea riding a sea horse.

DAIR 83.298b. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.  


Pompeii. October 2023.  
Casina dell'Aquila above IX.7.12, seen from the Large Theatre (at VIII.7.21). Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Pompeii. October 2023.  

Casina dell'Aquila above IX.7.12, seen from the Large Theatre (at VIII.7.21). Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


Pompeii. September 2019. Casina dell‘Aquila above IX.7.12, seen from Via dell’Abbondanza near VIII.5.29.
Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

Pompeii. September 2019.

Casina dell'Aquila above IX.7.12, seen from Via dell’Abbondanza near VIII.5.29. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Renovation notice-board, to include a Cafeteria. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Renovation notice-board, to include a Cafeteria. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024. Looking north from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024. Looking north from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north to Vesuvius from Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north to Vesuvius from Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north to Vesuvius from Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. October 2023. Looking north to Vesuvius from Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


View looking north, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

View looking north, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View looking north west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking north-west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.


View looking north-west taken from above IX.7.12, looking towards doorway at IX.7.14. December 2007.

View looking north-west taken from above IX.7.12, looking towards doorway at IX.7.14, lower centre. December 2007.


View looking north west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking north-west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.


View looking north west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking north-west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


View looking north-west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  4th December 1971.
Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer, from Dr.George Fay’s slides collection.

View looking north-west across IX.1 taken from above IX.7.12. 4th December 1971.

Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer, from Dr George Fay’s slides collection.


View looking north-west, taken from above IX.7.12. October 2023. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

View looking north-west, taken from above IX.7.12. October 2023. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking west from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila, from near IX.7.20. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking west from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila, from near IX.7.20. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking west from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila, from near IX.7.16, on right. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.7.12 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking west from above IX.7.12, rear of Casina dell’Aquila, from near IX.7.16, on right. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


View looking west, taken from above IX.7.12. October 2023. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

View looking west, taken from above IX.7.12, the doorway to IX.7.16 is on the right. October 2023. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


View looking west towards the Basilica in the distance, across doorway of IX.7.14, Vicolo di Tesmo, rear peristyle of IX.1.22 and insula IX.1.  
2017/2018/2019. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

View looking west towards the Basilica in the distance, across doorway of IX.7.16, Vicolo di Tesmo, rear peristyle of IX.1.22 and insula IX.1.  

2017/2018/2019. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


View looking west, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

View looking west, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View looking west across the rear peristyle of IX.1.22 and insula IX.1, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

View looking west across the rear peristyle of IX.1.22 and insula IX.1, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12, Pompeii, 1973. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. 
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0233

View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12, Pompeii, 1973. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1961.    Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

View looking west along the Via dell’Abbondanza, taken from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1961. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



View looking south-west towards the Triangular Forum, centre, taken from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1973.    Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0234

View looking south-west towards the Triangular Forum, centre, taken from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1973. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



View looking south-west towards the Stabian Gate, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

View looking south-west towards the Stabian Gate, taken from above IX.7.12. May 2010. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View looking south across north side of Via dell’Abbondanza, towards I.6, from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1961. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

View looking south across north side of Via dell’Abbondanza, towards I.6, from above IX.7.12. Pompeii. 1961. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



View from Casina dell’Aquila above IX.7.12, looking south towards upper floor of I.6.7, in centre. August 2023. Photo courtesy of Maribel Velasco.

View from Casina dell’Aquila above IX.7.12, looking south towards upper floor of I.6.7, in centre. August 2023. Photo courtesy of Maribel Velasco.


Looking south across I.7 and I.6, towards the unexcavated area of I.18, I.19 and I.23. May 2010. 
View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

Looking south across I.7 and I.6, towards the unexcavated area of I.18, I.19 and I.23. May 2010.

View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View looking south towards I.6 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking south towards I.6, taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


View looking south east towards I.6 and I.7 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking south-east towards I.6 and I.7 taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


View looking south east towards I.7.1 and I.6.1/2 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking south-east towards I.7.1 and I.6.1/2 taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


Looking south east along Via dell’ Abbondanza near I.7.1. November 2009.
View from the Casina dell’ Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

Looking south-east along Via dell’ Abbondanza near I.7.1. November 2009. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Pompeii. 1961. Looking south-east. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Pompeii. 1961. Looking south-east. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



View looking south east towards I.7.1 taken from above IX.7.12.  December 2007.

View looking south-east towards I.7.1 taken from above IX.7.12. December 2007.


Looking south-east. May 2010. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

Looking south-east. May 2010. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


Looking south-east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. 
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0235

Looking south-east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Looking south-east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. 
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0237

Looking south-east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Looking east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila above IX.7.12 across IX.7, IX.12 (still unexcavated), towards IX.13.1-3 (with roof). Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. 
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0241

Looking east, Pompeii. 1973.

View from the Casina dell’Aquila above IX.7.12 across IX.7, IX.12 (still unexcavated), towards IX.13.1-3 (with roof).

Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



Looking east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila towards IX.13.1-3 (with roof). Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski. 
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details. J73f0238

Looking east, Pompeii. 1973. View from the Casina dell’Aquila towards IX.13.1-3 (with roof). Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.






The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 10-Jun-2024 21:25